Corps Work Plan Target Date – Feb 10
In this issue: Corps Work Plan Corps Releases FY19 Supplemental Appropriations FEMA Asked to Put Climate Change Front and Center Impeachment A Focus on Puerto Rico Great Lakes Erosion
In this issue: Corps Work Plan Corps Releases FY19 Supplemental Appropriations FEMA Asked to Put Climate Change Front and Center Impeachment A Focus on Puerto Rico Great Lakes Erosion
Howard and Dan break down the most pressing coastal issues working their way through the Nation’s capital. On this episode kicking off the 2020 calendar year, they discuss the federal appropriations bill and work plan, the US dredge budget, BUDM pilot projects, legal issues related to Hurricane Harvey, and conclude with a discussion about all…
On this episode of the WaterLog Podcast, hosts Howard Marlowe and Dan Ginolfi being us the latest from DC, including the impeachment proceedings, an update on Federal funding, how Congress is eyeing coastal resilience, a new bill in Congress that could slash State’s input on the Clean Water Act, discussion on the National Food Insurance…
In this issue: US Dredging Budget Expanded Beneficial Use Pilot Projects FEMA HMA Grants Get +50m FEMA Buys Reinsurance for NFIP It’s 2020: Who’s Got Your Vote?
In this issue: Round II Appropriations New Director of Civil Works Flood Insurance Can Kicked Communities Enhancement Act (Coastal) New Action on Coastal Bills
In this issue: Corps Appropriations What’s Your Weather?
In this issue: Merry Impeachmas Update on Federal Funding Congress Eyes Resilience New Bill Could Slash State’s Input on Clean Water Act NFIP: Risk Rating 2.0 Delayed Miscellaneous Use the PDF embedder below to view WaterLog:
On the 11th episode of the WaterLog Podcast, Howard Marlowe and Dan Ginolfi debrief the ASBPA National Conference in Myrtle Beach, the Energy and Water appropriations bill, the Office of Management and Budget, and the insurance’s role in creating coastal resilience.
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