Is the Planet Running out of Sand?

When you think of Earth’s dwindling supply of natural resources, a few things immediately spring to mind.  Clean air and water top the list when it comes to what we want to preserve for future generations.  There is little disagreement that forests and endangered species of animals must be protected, and then of course there’s sand… Wait, sand? …

Late September 2017 Update

Many thanks for subscribing to WaterLog.  Unfortunately, the Google FeedBurner system will not let us include you as a subscriber until you respond to the email the system sent to you when you subscribed and VERIFY your email subscription.  I am sending you this email update as well as this link to my latest Blog. …

Early September 2017 Update

Amidst the strange but welcome bipartisanship of the last 36 hours, led by President Trump, the Senate has approved a measure that doubles the initial aid package for Hurricane Harvey to $15.25 billion.  Harvey will require much more Federal aid, and Irma even more.  FYI: The Corps will need a supplemental appropriation to respond with…

This is Trump’s Infrastructure Week and It’s a Flop

By Howard Marlowe Normally, I’m not that negative.  I mean, over-the-top headlines get readers, but this one is meant to reflect my utter disappointment.  The system of representative democracy our Founders established is one that works.  I’ve seen firsthand what can be done when local and state elected officials organize to fight back against government…