This is bigger than ‘THE Wedding’

Ok—that was an overstatement. I liked Bishop Curry’s preaching and Meghan’s dress.  But this IS a big week for water resources in DC. Work Plan:  It should come out tomorrow (Tuesday).  Check here for the list of projects receiving Corps funding in FY18. Supplemental Funds:  The first recipients of the massive amount of supplemental funding…

House WRDA Bill is Born! Plus some new funding info

WRDA The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman, Bill Shuster (PA), has introduced a WRDA 2018 (props for having no silly name).  It’s text can be found here:  HR 8 Among the provisions that may be of interest to WaterLog subscribers are these:  A produce that would automatically appropriate all Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund revenues…

WRDA moves in the House!

Expect the Draft House Water Resources Development Act (whatever it’s name may be) to be introduced tomorrow, Friday the 18th with action by the full committee next Wednesday. We hope you watched ASA R.D. James WRDA testimony today before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.  It was enlightening for what he said about his…

Lost and Found

The House Energy & Water Appropriations Committee meets at 5:30 pm ET today to act on its version of the Corps’ funding bill for FY19.  You can find the text of the draft bill and watch the “markup” meeting here. Note:  I taught government at the high school and undergrad college levels before I came…

Water Resources bill gets ready to move

Lots of May water resources activity in Congress! The Water Resources Development Act of 2018 is about to get legislative legs.  This is the legislation that authorizes (but doesn’t provide funding for) new Corps projects and studies and also will likely contain new policy initiatives. Senate WRDA:  The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has…