House Starts Action on Corps FY19 Budget

While we (patiently?) wait for the Corps to release its FY18 Work Plan, a House Appropriations subcommittee has announced that it will vote on a Corps budget for FY19 on May 7th  4. You can get more information, including a link to watch the “markup” or business meeting here: Our sources tell us the…

Lots to Celebrate!

A month ago, I bemoaned March as the month of now Federal holidays.  But at its very end, it gave us Passover and the start of the baseball season.  Then came Easter as we embarked on April and out came some flowers, still not any more sure than humans whether Spring had arrived here in…

Early March Update

The Northeast has been hit by the third major Nor’easter storm this winter as March does its best to remind the East Coast that winter isn’t finished with us. Meteorologists are calling DC a “weather hole.”  We’ve been called worse, but this honor is being bestowed because it has snowed to the south and north…

March 2018

Welcome to March, the month without a Federal holiday, but the month that baseball gets started with Spring Training!!  Hold onto your seats, and not just if your along those parts of the East Coast being battered by strong winds and precipitation caused by a nor’easter.  We’ve got a lot to cover today.   Infrastructure: …

Post Govt Shutdown

Have we got news!!  BTW, don’t forget to check out the WaterLog website at for background info on coastal resilience, the Corps process etc. There are TWO items in this update.  Funds for Corps projects in the budget bill just passed and a link to the Federal Register announcement on applications for the beneficial…

Pre-February Govt Shutdown Crisis Update

Welcome to our new WaterLog subscribers.  This is an update of the scene here in DC – and it’s not pretty. We’re headed toward another shutdown deadline by Thursday midnight.  The House Republican leadership will propose another short-term solution that won’t make it past Start in the Senate.  There’s some hope the Senate will come…

Pre-State of the Union & Super Bowl

Tonight’s State of the Union Address:  For those of you plan to view the “SOTU” this evening, here’s what to be on the lookout for via Politico. Infrastructure Initiative: I tweeted the leaked Trump infrastructure plan last week and posted it on WaterLog.  Much of the Federal money in the plan are focused in an…