Here you'll find loads of practical information about sea level rise, climate change, disaster assistance (especially relevant in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma), Federal agencies that aid in coastal resilience, laws that govern U.S. waters, and much more.  Special attention is paid to the Army Corps of Engineers because they are the big kahuna when it comes to constructing and maintaining our water resources infrastructure.  You'll also find coastal resources by region, info on the regional use of sediment, and lots of important links that will aid you in your quest for knowledge!

Regional Sediment Management

Regional Sediment Management (RSM) is a program that was developed under an authority in WRDA 1992 to encourage a systems approach to using best management practices for more efficient and effective use of sediments in coastal, estuarine and inland environments.

Water Resources Development Acts

Below you'll find all the Water Resource Development Acts (WRDA) and the previous bills that were enacted before Congress had a WRDA bill.

WRDA is an authorization bill that supports the nation’s coastal and inland water resources infrastructure.

Before it was WRDA, it was the River and Harbors Act, and between 1954 and 1970 it was also referred to as the Flood Control Act.